Fell at Work? A Short Guide to Filing for Workers’ Compensation

| February 2, 2018

Workers’ CompensationA fall while you’re at work can happen out of nowhere, and if you land wrong or on a hard surface, you could end up with an injury. The good news is that if you are, your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance should cover your damages, provided you handle everything properly.

Here are the four key steps you should always take after a fall or any other accident at work to get worker’s compensation.

Report the Injury

The very first thing you should do after a fall at work is report it to a supervisor. If there was a hazard that caused the fall, this can ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen to anyone else.

It’s also important to do this to get the incident on record, and so that your supervisor can explain what you would need to do to start the worker’s comp process.

See a Doctor

It’s smart to see a doctor after any fall to figure out the extent of your injuries, even if you feel fine. Some back, head and neck injuries don’t necessarily cause obvious symptoms right away, but that doesn’t mean that nothing’s wrong.

You also need to see a doctor to get a medical record of your injuries and a treatment plan. If, for example, you need to take time off work, it helps to have a doctor’s note for this.

File the Claim

Once you know the extent of your injuries and how long you’ll need to be off work, you should file your claim. Fill out the claim form and make sure to double check for any errors that could cause a denial.

You must also file the claim form within the deadline, although in most states, you’ll have plenty of time for this.

Consult with an Attorney

Ideally, your worker’s comp will be approved the first time around. However, there are situations where it could be denied, in which case you’ll need to appeal the decision.

An attorney like Putnam Lieb Potvin or someone similar can help you through this process by representing you and putting pressure on the insurance company.

Although you can handle an appeal alone, you have a better chance of success when you get a lawyer.

With medical bills and lost wages from the time you’re off work, one fall can cost quite a bit. Make sure you aren’t footing that bill by getting workers’ compensation.

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  1. Elfriede @ All Out Finance says:

    One of my colleague was hurt about 1 1/2 year ago, he had to have surgery for that injury. Could he sue his employer if he has a works comp valid claim?