Top Tips to Plan Your Gap Year

| April 18, 2013
Parts of the Grande Ronde, Wanapum & Saddle Mo...

Parts of the Grande Ronde, Wanapum & Saddle Mountain Basalts (in order from the bottom) are exposed at the Wallula Gap. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Going on your gap year can take quite a lot of planning, and especially if you want to travel. Depending on how long you want to go for, you need to choose destinations, while also working out whether you can save money in some areas; at the same time, you need to think about accommodation options, your health and safety, and many other details that can either enhance or disrupt your gap year plans. In this way, it’s worth thinking about some of the following tips for your gap year.

Where to Go

When deciding on where you want to go, you have to factor in costs, and whether you can afford to go to multiple inexpensive places, or one expensive one. For example, South East Asia is relatively cheap on a day to day basis once you’ve paid for your flights, while some European cities, which includes Prague, can be good budget options.

How to Save

Look into different options for saving money during your gap year; Inter-Rail passes for train journeys, and city discount cards can make it much easier to cut down on your spending when you’re on a gap year. Booking far in advance can also save you some money if you look for discounts.


You may have to make some tough decisions about the kinds of places you want to stay in during agap year abroad – can you manage to survive in hostels in groups for the majority of your trip, or would you prefer to sped a bit more money on a hotel?


Compare different insurance providers for your gap year, and see whether there are any specialist policies on offer – it’s usually best to get a multi trip insurance policy in travelling for several months. It’s also important to check for backpacking insurance, and sports and skiing packages.


While it may seem risky, it’s worth taking along a laptop or a smartphone to keep in touch with home – most hotels will have free wi fi, or you can use local shops and cafes. If you don’t want to risk damage or theft, think about buying a cheap laptop or phone specifically for your trip.

Health and Safety

Always make sure you get checked up before you travel, and look for any particular risks in a country. When travelling in Europe, ensure you get a European Health Insurance Card, as this will entitle you to NHS approved free treatment in local hospitals.

Decide on Solo or Group Trips

There is the possibility of mixing up solo and group trips – some people may only be able to travel with you for a limited amount of time, while others are free for the whole year – see whether you can get discounts in a group and on travel.


Have a rough idea of what kind of activities you want to complete during a gap year, and budget accordingly – you can usually find discounts on most activities in advance, while you can also break down how much you want to spend during a trip. As before, keep safety as a priority with any activity if you’re travelling alone or as part of a group.

Author Bio: 

Emily Steves writes about travel, from EU travel insurance to gap years. In her own time she enjoys travelling and taking photos along the way.


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