How Long Can a Metal Roof Last Before You Should Think About Replacing It?

| October 7, 2021
Metal Roof

Metal Roof

If you’ve been looking at your roof and decided it’s time for a replacement, you may be considering bypassing the traditional asphalt shingle roof in favor of one that is metal.

Becoming a more popular option among many homeowners, metal roofs have pros and cons like any other kind of roofing.

If you’re wondering how long a metal roof may last before it would need to be replaced, here are the facts.

Decades of Longevity

While metal roofing may cost more compared to traditional roofing, the investment will be worth the extra costs since metal roofs have especially long lifespans.

When a metal roof is properly installed, it is expected to last at least 40 years, and in many cases can last as long as 70 years.

In comparison, a traditional asphalt shingle roof has a life expectancy of between 15-30 years, with 20 years being the most common. 

Metal Roof Durability

Once you have a metal roof on your home, expect it to be very durable.

Made to not crack or corrode, it will also be very resistant to impacts from hail or other things, and may be able to withstand winds of well over 100 miles per hour.

Having a sturdy roof can help you avoid costly repairs in the future.

However, when considering metal roof replacements, remember that the washers and screws used to secure the large metal panels may have varying lifespans and degrade over time.

Should this occur, they could become dislodged.

High-Grade Metal

While you may assume all metal roofs are alike, they are not.

Though they may look alike, some of these roofs use higher-grade metals for the panels that are installed.

By doing so, the roof’s lifespan is increased, while lessening the chances of washers and screws rusting and dislodging.

If you choose to use a lower-quality metal for the roofing panels, you may find them rusting, depending on the climate where you live.

Metal Roofing is Recyclable

Finally, if you want to help the environment while at the same time getting a roof on your home that will last for several decades, a metal roof is a great option.

Not only are these roofs often made of up to 95% recycled content, but they are also completely recyclable should the time come when they need to be replaced.

Along with lasting for decades, metal roofing rarely needs any periodic maintenance in the same manner as asphalt shingle roofs, saving you plenty of time and money.

Costing perhaps twice as much as a traditional roof, you’ll make up the difference between their longevity, durability, energy efficiency, and the peace of mind in knowing your roof is there to stay for many years.

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