Costs to Consider When Winterizing Your Home

| October 5, 2021
Winterizing Your Home

Winterizing Your Home

Winter can be beautiful, but it can also be cold and cruel to the average homeowner’s wallet.

As a result, it’s important for winterizing your home as much as possible before the cold season sets in so that you can minimize these costs.

This winterization checklist will guide you through the most important expenses you should budget to prepare your home for the cold months ahead.

Furnace Maintenance

Furnaces can last a long time, but that doesn’t mean they never need to be serviced.

If you’re planning on using your furnace during winter, it may be smart to have it inspected.

If you’re not sure if your furnace is in good shape, don’t worry. An inspection is relatively cheap and will save you money later down the road.

Remember, most furnaces need some sort of maintenance done every one to three years, so it’s best to head this up before winter begins.

Pest Control

All the nippy weather that winter brings means mice and other critters are looking for cozy new homes.

Make sure they don’t make your house theirs by investing in pest control solutions to seal up any holes and cracks in your exterior walls.

In addition to mice, bugs such as spiders tend to migrate indoors as well, depending on your location.

Consider talking to a pest control specialist for recommendations against critters in your area.

This will help you prevent pests from taking up residence, while also saving you a lot of money on heating costs. 

HVAC Repair

During cold winter months, it’s important to ensure your HVAC system is in top shape.

According to statistics, heating and cooling account for 44% of energy consumption in homes.

Make sure to schedule your HVAC maintenance before you need to turn your heater on for the winter.

Roof Repair

The roof is your house’s first line of defense against harsh weather, so an inspection is essential to keeping it in good condition.

Make sure your roof is winterized by conducting a thorough roof inspection. Work with a professional to inspect the roof and assess its condition.

In the event that replacements need to be made, be sure to schedule a repair sooner rather than later.

In the worst-case scenario, severe winter storms can cause major damage to an already-weak roof.

Keep this emergency situation from happening by taking preventative measures for roof maintenance.

With colder weather already in full swing, it’s time to start winterizing your home for the months ahead by winterizing it.

Consider these four costs as you begin to ready your house for the winter.


Category: Home Renovation

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