Yard Sale 101: How to Have the Best on the Block

| December 4, 2014

Yard SaleAre you debating on whether or not to have a yard sale? Do you not want to put the effort in because you think it won’t pay off? A well-done yard sale can be a great way to de-clutter your house and make some extra cash at the same time. Making sure your yard sale is successful requires a bit of planning and know-how, so here are some tips to help you sell as much as possible.

Get the Word Out

Buyers can’t come to your yard sale if they don’t know about it. That’s why it’s important for you to spread the news of your sale in as many different ways as possible. Consider advertising your sale in the local classifieds, posting flyers around town, and letting people know by word-of-mouth. While you’re at it, make sure people know how to find your sale!

Collaborate with Friends and Neighbors

Larger yard sales tend to attract more people, so invite others to sell their items at your yard sale as well. Do remember that you’ll have to make certain that each person contributing gets paid for the items they sell, which can make selling a bit more complicated. But this is more than balanced by the fact that the work is divided between several people.

Keep Items Organized

Sure, it might be fine to have a few boxes of random items that people have to dig through – but keep these to a minimum. Find ways to display your items in a way that allows potential buyers to find things easily. Keep similar items together, and if you’re selling lots of clothing try to organize it by size.

Let Buyers Try Things Out

When buyers are allowed to test out items they are much more likely to feel more confident about purchasing that item. Grab a couple extension cords before the yard sale begins so as to allow people to plug in electronics and see that they work. If you’re selling items such as scarves, hats, jewelry, or outerwear you may want to set up a mirror.

When Things Don’t Sell

It can be disappointing when you have items leftover from a yard sale, but don’t fret. Rather than allowing those items to re-clutter your home, find other ways to sell them. The internet is a perfect place to sell odds-and-ends of all sorts, so go ahead and list your things on a site such as http://www.decluttr.com or Craigslist. If that doesn’t sound appealing then you can always go to the local pawn shop and see if what you have left would be something that they would be interested in taking off your hands.

Remember, a well-executed yard sale can be a win-win situation for everyone. You get cash for items you no longer want, and the buyer gets bargains on items they do want. If you’ve got extra stuff laying around your home, why not start planning a yard sale today?

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