What Do You Need to Save for?

| April 3, 2013

Safe Piggy Bank

When you’re single without a care in the world, savings is often an afterthought, rarely entering your mind as you live paycheck to paycheck. Then reality comes crashing down hard when you suddenly find yourself out of a job or out on the streets when your parents get tired of your freeloading ways. Where will you go? How will you survive? You realize too late that you have zero savings to fall back on. Sometimes you need to be reminded why and what you need to save for.

For a Rainy Day

We all know how unpredictable life can be, so it’s best to save up for a rainy day. No matter how careful you are, accidents can still happen and medical emergencies are sure to drain your wallet. Investing in insurance can help you alleviate the costs of hospitalization and medicine.

For Higher Learning

It’s never too late to learn something new. Learning is after all a work in progress and taking up a short course or two can help you advance in your career or perhaps lead you to an altogether different course in life. Learning new things can also help you grow as a person and might even lead you to discover a new passion like cooking. You can take up a culinary arts and be a chef or even nursing studies if you like taking care of people. A short course in creative writing can help improve your way with words. Learning a new language can also make you look forward to visiting another country.

For Travel

Some people believe travel is an unnecessary and expensive expense that they can do without. I believe that the experiences you gain through travel are priceless and no amount of money can replace it. There is so much you can learn about yourself and others every time you embark on a journey. Contrary to what some people think, anyone can travel even on a budget. You can even follow these penny pinching ways to save for your dream trip.

For the Future

Even if you don’t like to think about the future, you will have to face it someday especially when you have your own family. You not only have to think about your future, but your children’s future, as well. Investing in life insurance will help ensure that they will be provided for even when you’re no longer around. To get the best package that will satisfy all your needs, get advice from an insurance agency like SelectQuote. Do research so you will be aware of what kind of coverage you need. Shop around so you will find the best policy that has all your requirements and also fits your budget.

Saving money isn’t as hard as you think. You just have to learn how to distinguish between needs and wants and know how to prioritize. You have to make sacrifices and spend on what’s more important. Frugal living and saving money is a valuable lesson that you can pass on to your children and future generations.  If you haven’t started on your savings yet, it’s about time.

About the Author

Based in San Diego California, Tiffany Matthews is a professional writer with over 5 years of professional writing experience. She believes in the importance of savings and that insurance is a worthy investment to ensure your family’s future. Tiffany also blogs about travel, fashion, and anything under the sun at wordbaristas.com, a group blog that she shares with her good friends. In her free time, she likes to travel, read books, and watch movies. You can find her on Twitter as@TiffyCat87.

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Category: Saving Money

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