Unbearable Utilities: Reduce Your Electric Costs by Implementing These 4 Tips

| August 10, 2018

electricUtilities make up some of the most significant household expenditures for American families. Monthly electric bills are particularly significant in terms of home budgets, and some parts of the country end up paying more than others.

The average monthly power bill for a family in Columbus, Ohio is around $152, which represents about $45 more than the statewide average.

Reducing electric costs can alleviate the household budget and leave a few dollars in your wallet each month. Here are four tips you can follow to reduce your monthly power bill:

Reduce Your Daytime Energy Consumption

Do everything possible to avoid using electricity during the daylight hours. Utility companies across the United States offer discount rates only after peak hours, typically around 7:00 pm and until 6:00 am the next day.

If your home is equipped with an electric water heater, for example, you may want to install a timer device that turns off the heating element after everyone goes to bed and turns back on a few hours before morning showers.

Invest in Solar Chargers

In a home where several devices need to be recharged for wireless operation, it makes sense to install a solar charger.

These energy saving devices have become affordable very affordable in recent years, and they mostly consist of a lightweight solar panel that can be easily moved around to spots where they can get the most sunlight.

More expensive units will also feature a battery to store residual energy.

Upgrade to Natural Gas

Electric heaters, stoves and hot water tanks are more energy efficient when they are powered by natural gas.

The American gas market has seen very rapid expansion since 2008, thus leading to very affordable prices.

It should be noted that natural gas is not derived from crude oil, which means that it is impervious to price manipulation from oil producing nations.

Keep Your A/C in Good Shape

The cooling system in your home is another component that consumes a substantial amount of electricity, particularly if it is not operating in optimal conditions.

When air conditioning units run at inefficient levels, they end up using more energy than they should.

Scheduling a service call for air conditioning system repair can shave off quite a few dollars off you monthly electric bill.

In the end, reducing your electric costs boils down to implementing smart energy conservation strategies.

There is more than just saving a few dollars each month; by applying energy efficiency, you will also help the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of your home.

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Category: Housing, Save Energy

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