Tips for Successful Sales Leads Follow Up

| February 11, 2015

businessaFollowing up with sales leads is an important aspect of customer relationship management. However, it can also be overwhelming. Sometimes, a business may have an unlimited amount of people to follow up with. This makes it important to prioritize sales leads follow up and determine a strategy for success. The following tips can help you.

Follow Up With All Inbound Sales Leads

It is crucial to follow up with every inbound sales lead. These leads are like gold. You already know they are good because they contacted you. Therefore, it is important to treat them properly. You wouldn’t throw a gold bracelet in the corner of your closet, never to be seen again. Instead, you would make sure it received the best care. The same mentality should be given to inbound sales leads. Enter all of them into your CRM system. Then, assign a salesperson to follow-up with them. Make sure this happens with every single inbound lead.

Follow Up Quickly

When you have a sales lead, make sure to follow up with them quickly. The sooner you follow up with them, the more likely you will retain their business. Statistics indicate that when you follow up within an hour of receiving the lead, you are seven times more likely to convert the lead into a sale. Remember, every minute you wait to respond to a lead is time that a competitor has to secure their business.

Answer Questions Fully

Most sales leads have questions, and it is your job to answer them fully. Too often companies do not give complete answers. Instead, they leave customers with more questions. It is best to try to present important product knowledge that will sell your product and answer the question at the same time. In doing so, you provide the customer with detailed information. You also increase your credibility and establish trust with the consumer.

Measure Your Efforts

In order to be successful in the long term, it is a good idea to measure your efforts. This will provide you with a basis to improve on. The following are a few things to measure:

  • The number of sales leads you have each week
  • The amount of time it takes you to respond to the sales lead
  • The percentage of inbound leads that convert into qualified prospects
  • The percentage of inbound leads that convert into customers

The data from these measurements will help you set goals and build a successful strategy for following up with sales leads. Remember, the better you are at following up with customers, the more successful your business will be.

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