The Best Fall Home Renovations that Will Help Save You Money Long-Term

| September 25, 2018

Home RenovationsFall is the perfect time to upgrade your home before you head indoors for the long winter. There are many different renovations that you can do. These, however, are likely to save you money while making your home more comfortable to live in this winter.

Replacement Windows

Replacing your windows can help stop air drafts saving you lots of money on your home’s heating and cooling bills. Look at the ratings on the windows to choose the ones that are the most energy efficient to meet your needs. Choose replacement windows that are at least double-pane to save the most money.

Sealing off Your Home

Home RenovationsWhile replacing your windows is a great idea, one of the other things that you will definitely need to do is to make sure your home is sealed off. In other words, you want to make sure that your home will lose the least amount of heat as possible. This can be done by caulking around doorways and your windows to seal off any cracks where the warm air will get out.

Smart Lights

If you are tired of coming home to discover that no one is home, but every light in the house is on, then consider installing smart lights. These lights are designed with motion sensors, so they only turn on when someone is in the room. They also turn off automatically when everyone is gone saving you money.

Energy-efficient Kitchen Appliances

Home RenovationsSince more meals are prepared inside during the winter and the holidays are coming up, fall is the perfect time to install energy-efficient appliances. If your appliances are older than 10 years, then you may be able to save up to 10 percent on your energy bill by installing new ones. Look at the ratings to find the most efficient models possible before making a purchase.

Installing a New Heating System

If you live in an old home, chances are you have a rather old and inefficient heating system. If this is the case for you, you will want to consider updating or replacing your entire heating system. While this may seem like a costly idea at first, it can save you money in the long run on your energy bills. The bottom line is that your old heating system just may not heat your home well enough anymore. This will also save you from costly repairs in the future and it will keep your home warmer at a more efficient rate during the cold winter months.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats help keep your home comfortable while saving you energy. They can automatically adjust the temperature based on the home’s occupancy. Yet, you can program it so that you are comfortable when you are home while allowing it to adjust the temperatures when no one is there saving you money without constantly having to remember to adjust the thermostat.

Energy-efficient Washer and Dryer

Getting a new washer and dryer can help you save money. Most use less energy to operate. Some washers can even start automatically, so you are always washing at off-peak hours. Then, they will send you a text message when they are through so that you remember to put the clothes in the dryer eliminating the need to rewash them.

These are just a few of the upgrades that will save you money if you get them completed this fall. Get busy learning more details so that you can complete these projects before winter’s cold days arrive. The great news is that you will be saving money while enjoying your home more than ever before.

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