Summer Saving: How to Keep Bills Low When the Temperature Is High

| June 16, 2018

As temperatures climb during the summer, we look for ways to keep cooling costs low. The use of fans and air conditioners is the main way many people cool off, but energy used to operate this equipment can be costly, and in some cases, limited.

Here are some additional ways to keep your home comfortable on hot days.

Open the Windows

On days when the weather is only moderately warm, open the windows at morning and in the evening to let cool air circulate through the house.

This effect can be enhanced by opening windows on opposite sides of the house to let the outside air in and out.

Many people use nature’s cooler times of day to keep the indoor temperature low instead of relying on electricity-powered equipment.

When the seasonal temperature dips lower than average, remember to turn off the air conditioner and open the windows if needed.

Don’t keep the A/C running at times when it is unneeded.

Call an A/C Technician

To keep your air conditioning unit operating efficiently and to ensure it does not stop working just when you need it most, schedule a professional checkup every year.

Call an air conditioning service or climate control company and have a technician inspect your system for signs of wear and tear or minor flaws.

Keeping your unit in good working order and catching minor problems early will help to keep the system in good working order year-round or as needed.

Adjust the Thermostat

Some people lower the air conditioner thermostat to below seventy degrees. However, this means the unit has to work harder to keep every area in the home adequately cool.

If possible, try setting the indoor temperature at seventy-five degrees and keep windows and doors closed while the air conditioner is running.

Close the vents and doors in rooms that are not being used so you do not end up paying for them to be needlessly cooled, as well.

Chances are that the higher setting will still provide air that is cool enough to be enjoyable and effective, and your electric bill will be lower than if you adjusted the setting lower.

Air conditioner almost feels like a luxury at times. For people who live in very warm climates, it is a necessity for health and safety. Protect your air conditioning system by using it only when needed, keep up with checkups, and adjust the setting to a comfortable but more cost-effective level.

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