Saving Money At Home: Simple Tips To Save Money No Matter Your Income

| February 6, 2015

Simple Tips To Save Money No Matter Your IncomeSaving money can seem like a daunting task, but it is possible for all individuals and families to slowly and surely save money, regardless of income level. Read on for some helpful suggestions about making the most of your money and holding on to more of it.

Swap Babysitting Dates

For families with children, paying for childcare can take a serious chunk out of your income. However, there are some ways to save on childcare expenses. For example, when it comes to babysitting costs for date night, rather than pay someone to babysit, ask another couple if they would be willing to swap babysitting duties so that each couple can enjoy a routine date night out without the added cost of a babysitter. Ask another couple that you know well and has children the same age as yours. It makes it a win win situation for everyone.

Eat In

Restaurant meals add up quickly. Sometimes cooking and baking at home can seem like a drag, so if you find this practice hard to stick to, make it more appealing. Start holding a weekly or monthly potluck with friends or family members. Institute something that your family enjoys and can look forward to each week, such as taco night, or breakfast for dinner night. Rotate meal planning responsibilities to various family members, and see what they come up with. Another way to save money is to cook your meals ahead of time and freeze them. This allows you to use ingredients before they good, and it also saves you time throughout the week.

Repair Rather Than Replace

When something stops working correctly, first try troubleshooting it on your own. If that doesn’t work, consult a professional and aim to repair the faulty appliance if at all possible. For example, sometimes an air conditioner that isn’t cooling properly just needs the thermostat to be lowered or the condenser to be cleaned. Other times you may just need to buy a new part instead of replace the whole thing, like a broken garage door, say the experts at The Garage Door Co Ltd.

Rethink Entertainment

If you are currently spending a large amount on entertainment, start slanting your perspective. There are many free and inexpensive entertainment options. For example, if you purchase a family membership to a zoo or museum, they are often reciprocal with other similar venues all over the state and country. With one small annual cost, you can receive entertainment options all year long. Always also check in with local nature centers, state parks, and libraries for more great events and entertainment options.

Shop Online

Review common monthly staples and look into purchasing them online. Not only will you save money in gas costs, but many times sites offer free shipping and reduced rates for customers who sign up for monthly deliveries of certain products. If you know that you will buy it anyway, it is wise to make the process as streamlined and inexpensive as possible.

Exercise Outside

Gym memberships are often expensive. Try aiming to exercise outside. This practice has a variety of benefits. Nature offers stress relieving benefits, and also stimulates the senses a lot more than sweating away in a crowded gym filled with machines. Optimize the experience by setting up a regular schedule to also exercise your pet or to exercise with a friend or family member. This way you can boost relationships while getting both exercise and fresh air.

You work hard for your money. Be sure to preserve the fruits of your productivity by making practical and wise lifestyle decisions. This will help you save money over time.


Category: Family Finances

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  1. All great ideas. We often buy frozen pizza from the supermarket – it’s still a treat but at less than half the price of freshly made takeaway pizza. Plus it takes 20 mins max to prepare which is less time than delivery would!
    Emma | Money Can Buy Me Happiness recently posted..Lent for Atheists: Or Why I’m Giving Up SugarMy Profile

  2. admin says:

    Pizza anyway you get is a quick and easy meal.