Pros and Cons of Flat Roofs for Residential Homes

| January 9, 2022
flat roofs

Flat Roofs

Homes with a flat roof often don’t get as much credit as homes with sloped roofs. While sloped roof homes can be attractive and pleasing to the eye, flat roof homes offer some benefits that are making them increasingly favorable among new homebuyers.

Keep in mind that while flat roofs offer several advantages over the traditional sloped roof, there are some disadvantages as well. Here are a few pros and cons of a flat roof to help you decide which style best suits your needs.

Pros of Flat Roofing

More Energy Efficient

Traditional sloped roofs can allow warm air to escape from your home and cool air to enter.

Flat roofs are more energy-efficient and are great for keeping your heating and cooling bills more manageable.

Flat roof homes demonstrate a higher energy efficiency because of their insulation, which is different from sloped-style roofs.

Less Expensive

Maintenance, repairs, and installation are much less expensive with a flat roof than a sloped roof. A flat roof doesn’t use as much space as a sloped roof, which means you need fewer materials during construction.

More Versatile

You can do a lot more with a flat roof than with a sloped roof. Flat roofs are great for rooftop gardens, sitting areas, and decks. The versatility of a flat roof makes them ideal for homeowners who have limited outdoor or yard space.


Flat roofs are much safer than a sloped roof. When it comes to repairs, maintenance, standing, or climbing, you can’t beat a flat roof for safety.

Cons of Flat Roofing

Less Reliable in Cold Weather

Since water is more likely to accumulate on a flat roof, there’s an increased chance of water damage. Ice dams and snow accumulation is also a problem with a flat roof in colder climates.

Shorter Lifespan

A sloped roof can last up to 20 years with proper maintenance and care, but flat roofs have an average lifespan of about ten years.

Poor Drainage

Poor water drainage is one of the biggest drawbacks to a flat roof. The accumulation of water on a flat roof can lead to the breakdown of roofing materials and water leakage around seams.

Your personal tastes and desires should be weighed against which roof works best for your climate, but with the right builder, you can have a functional and beautiful roof that suits your design dreams.

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Category: Home Renovation

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