Look Closer! How to Maximize Visibility for Your Niche Company

| December 2, 2018

NicheSome business appeal to the masses. Grocery stores, movie theaters, and retail outlets all draw in a diverse customer base. That means they can rely on mass marketing tactics like TV commercials, radio ads, and newspaper flyers to raise their visibility. Niche businesses appeal to much smaller customer bases and must use different tactics to raise their profile.

Referral Marketing

People who buy products or services from niche businesses tend to belong to closely knit groups.

Let’s say you sell custom chainmail products. Your sales will primarily come from groups like comic convention cosplayers and Renaissance fair attendees. You might also see sales from film production companies.

What these groups all have in common is that the participants tend to know a lot of other people with similar interests.

hat makes them ideal candidates for referral marketing. Referral marketing, in essence, attempts to formalize and encourage word of mouth marketing.

By encouraging referrals, you maximize visibility for your niche company with its ideal customers.

Yet, you don’t waste a penny marketing to people who will never want your product or services.


Most people think of signage purely in terms of a sign over the entrance to their front doors. Those signs over your door do matter because they draw the eye of anyone passing by. They aren’t the only kind of signage you can use.

For example, a realtor can target their ideal clients with real estate signs in the right neighborhoods. Billboards can draw attention to your business, as long as it’s not too niche to make the cost prohibitive.

Email List Marketing

With any luck, you make an active effort to collect email addresses on your website. Some of those emails addresses attach to active customers, but many come from people who didn’t buy anything on their first visit.

It takes multiple touches or contacts between your brand and the customer before the first sale happens.

In practice, that means that you must raise your company’s visibility in the customer’s mind, which establishes trust.

Email marketing is the ideal vehicle for making those repeat touches. Recipients interact with your brand 3, 5, or 7 times and eventually picks you as their main niche product or service provider.

Niche companies must raise their visibility with more care than mainstream businesses that enjoy diverse customer bases.

Referral marketing uses existing customers to raise your profile with others involved in niche communities.

Carefully placed signage can attract attention from your ideal market. Email list marketing can raise your visibility with customers who might have only visited your site out of casual initial interest.

Combining two or even all three of these approaches can give you the base for a powerful, targeted marketing campaign.

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