It’s Family Time: Trendy Ideas That Will Brighten Up Your Front Yard This Christmas

| December 12, 2019

ChristmasWherever you’re celebrating Christmas, you’re going to want to decorate your entire home to match the look and feel of the holidays.

While you’re decorating your home, you might as well show some love to your front yard.

Outdoor decorations will brighten up your home in more ways than one. If you’re short on ideas for how to put your yard in the festive spirit, here are a couple of creative ones to start with.

Get creative with moss

Greenery is an integral part of your yard’s holiday décor. There are a couple of tried and tested plants you can add to your yard to make it look more festive.

Evergreen trees and spruces come to mind. However, there’s no reason you can’t get a little more creative with your choice of natural décor. 

Consider moss for a bit of unorthodox holiday decoration.

With moss, you’re not really limited by the natural shape of the plant that you’re using. You can grow it in just about any shape you please.

Plus, Christmas comes in different seasons for different parts of the world, which means you need all the plant variety you can get.

Moss grows everywhere and you don’t have to worry about it succumbing to the weather.

Create a punchy, organic wraith that you can hang on your front door. It’s a quirky and interesting detail that’s going to add a natural feel to your decorations. 

Leave a message in chalk

If you want to greet guests and passersby with a positive message, your front porch would be an ideal spot to pick.

Spread holiday cheer by welcoming people with a nice “happy holidays” sign on your house’s front.

There are tons of creative ways you can do this. Some people use paper cut-outs of letters and hang them on a string.

If you have a penchant for lights, you can even hang Christmas lights in the shape of the phrase. 

A lot of Sydney homeowners are adding chalkboards to their front yards, to make writing easier and more interesting.

You can add a special message for each day of the week and it won’t take you longer than a minute. 

Spruce up your pergola

The colder months don’t just bring with them cold weather, they also bring a lot of snowfall.

This makes it a lot harder to hang out on your porch and in your yard. Just about everything will be covered in snow and you’re not going to find it all that comfortable.

Having a bit of decorative covering over your pergola would do a lot of good for the yard.

Consider an awning for the pergola, as it can help protect you from the weather conditions during the season.

A retractable model would help you better enjoy the night on days with pleasant weather.

Look around a local Sydney awning store and see if you can find an ideal model for your own yard.

Install a couple of hanging lights on your awning and it’s going to add to the holiday charm.

Plant some lively greenery

The cold weather often leaves yards looking a little empty. Plants that aren’t viable in cold weather either die off or shrink to the point of being invisible.

Even the grass starts to dry up and lose its charm. During this time, adding a little extra lively greenery would do a lot of good for your yard’s festive spirit. 

Some evergreen plants would do very nicely, and they would fit in well with the holiday aesthetic of your home. Juniper and cypress bushes might look extra nice if you place them near your porch.

However, you’re probably not going to want to go digging in the winter. Instead, you could always just take some old planters and use them for this purpose.

If there are any leftovers from the summer, they can be temporary shelters for a bit of winter greenery.

If you don’t have any, ordinary metal buckets will do the job just fine.


Decorating your yard to match the Christmas holidays is pretty easy. You just have to put yourself in the holiday spirit and get creative with decorations.

Whether you’re celebrating in the winter or in the summer, you can rest assured that having a few festive details is going to bring about the holiday cheer you need.

Try to incorporate some of the above ideas in your yard décor and you’ll have an easy time decorating.

Sarah Jessica Smith is a young blogger from Sydney. She is in love with life and all the things that can make her daily routine easier. She loves to write about home improvement, lifestyle, and all the small things that make life such a great adventure.

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