How Your AC’s Size Can Make Your Bills Rise

| May 26, 2022


As the temperature outside rises, so does the demand for air conditioning. It’s common for people to purchase an air conditioner without much consideration, but did you know that your AC’s size can also have an impact on your energy bills?

Below are a few ways you can ensure that the AC you purchase is the perfect fit for your home.

Avoid Extremes

While having a small AC unit is better than none at all, when your AC is too small for your home, it has to work overtime to properly cool the space.

This not only reduces its efficiency but also causes your energy bills to rise. Making a one-time investment in a larger, more energy-efficient unit will save you money in the long run.

On the other hand, an oversized AC unit will cool your home quickly but will shut off before it has a chance to properly remove the humidity from the air.

This can leave your home feeling clammy and damp. Not only is this uncomfortable, but this cycle uses more energy and can also cause your bills to increase.

This is one of those instances where bigger is not better.

Determine the Right Fit

So, what’s the best size for your AC? It depends on a number of factors, including the square footage of your home, the climate you live in, and how much insulation you have.

The best way to determine the ideal size for your home is to consult with a professional HVAC contractor, such as Metro Express Service.

They can help you accurately calculate the necessary cooling capacity for your specific situation and make recommendations for equipment brands that work most efficiently within that size range.

A quality service can even help make sure that your unit is installed right for maximum efficiency.

Keep Your Home Cool

Once you have the right size AC, you can enjoy cool, comfortable indoor temperatures all summer long.

However, it’s important to remember that there are other things you can do to help keep your home cool while easing the burden on your AC unit. Some of those things are:

  • Closing the windows and doors when the AC is on
  • Adding insulation to your home
  • Planting trees or shrubs around your home to provide shade
  • Using ceiling fans to circulate cool air
  • Have routine inspections and maintenance on your AC unit

Be Proactive

With hot temperatures just around the corner, now is the time to make sure your AC unit is ready.

This will help you avoid the disruptions and discomfort of a unit that breaks down in the middle of a heatwave.

This will help ensure that your unit is running at peak efficiency, which is good for you and your energy bills.

If you’re not sure what size AC you need or if it’s time for a new one, give an air conditioning contractor a call.

A team of certified technicians can help you determine the best option for your home and budget and keep your family cool and comfortable all summer long.

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Category: Family Finances

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