How to Avoid Dishing Out Money to Reseed Dead Grass Every Year

| July 23, 2020

Even though most yards must be reseeded at least once in a while, a healthy lawn shouldn’t need to be reseeded every single year.

If you are constantly seeding your grass in order to keep it alive, then you might want to come up with a comprehensive plan for making your lawn healthier.

Adjust Your Irrigation 

Many people don’t know exactly how much they should be watering their grass, and that can lead to some major problems.

To determine how much water your grass needs, you will need to take many different variables into consideration.

That includes the amount of rain that you are getting, what type of grass you have, and the overall temperature.

As a general rule, each watering cycle should soak the top six or seven inches of soil.

Fertilize Properly

Another important step in lawn maintenance is properly fertilizing it a few times a year. In most areas, lawns need to be fertilized at least twice a year so that the roots and blades remain healthy.

Before you fertilize, you should make sure that your lawn is thoroughly soaked and there isn’t any wind.

To make this process as easy as possible, you might want to invest in a handheld or walk-behind spreader as well. 


When soil is too dense, it will be nearly impossible for the roots of the grass to continue growing.

Unfortunately, the soil is constantly being compacted, and that is why most lawns must be aerated at least once a year.

To aerate your lawn, you will need to remove all of the thatch and then gently break apart the soil.

Aerating is typically done one or two days before a lawn is fertilized or reseeded. 

Mow to the Proper Length

Lawn mowing is going to be vital if you want to keep your yard as healthy as possible.

If you cut too short, then you could potentially shock or kill the grass. When grass is allowed to grow too long, the taller blades might end up killing the newer blades.

Those are a few of the reasons why many people schedule weekly or bi-monthly lawn mowing services with a professional landscaper. 

These few tips are a great start, but you might want to think about having your soil tested as well.

When your soil has nutritional deficiencies, it will be nearly impossible to maintain a healthy, vibrant, and attractive lawn.

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