How Setting Up No Contact Delivery Can Boost Sales

| April 18, 2020

contactless deliveryIt’s a challenging time to stay in business for many restaurants and foodservice companies. However, the new trend of contactless deliveries has provided an excellent opportunity to boost delivery sales.

Contactless delivery involves the delivery of food to a customer without the delivery person coming into contact with the customer.

Here is how contactless delivery can help boost your business.

Consumer Confidence

Ever since the emergence of the pandemic, many people are engaging in social distancing.

That means that people do not want to get close to others whom they do not know.

By creating a contactless delivery program, you will allow people to get the food that they want without having to come into contact with the delivery person.

That can give your customers better peace of mind. This can also lead to a boost in business.

Delivery Safety

The last thing you need is delivery people who have to call in sick because they contracted an illness from a customer.

With contactless delivery, you are ensuring the safety of your team.

This will reduce downtime and ensures that you don’t have to scramble to find a new replacement or have to deal with longer delivery times.


Since more and more people are looking to have their food delivered, that means there is an opportunity to sell dinner meals.

This lucrative time of the day can allow you to sell items such as higher-priced entrees, Kaiser rolls, and desserts at higher prices than your lunch menu.

Also, if you don’t currently offer dinner, you can now expand your menu and further increase your revenue and profits.

Faster Turnaround

With contactless delivery, your delivery team doesn’t have to wait at the door for the customer to pick up his food.

This will cut down the delivery time of every order. Over time, the faster turnaround of orders will lead to quicker deliveries, happier customers, and more overall business.

When it comes to contactless delivery, you can make sure that both your customers and your delivery team are safe.

That alone can improve your bottom line. It is a good idea that you heavily emphasize that you offer contactless delivery on your flyers, website, and other marketing materials.

By creating a contactless delivery system, you will be able to grow your business in unexpected ways.


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