How Much Does it Cost on Average to Get Divorced?

| September 6, 2018

DivorceDivorce is usually a pretty painful and complex process. The costs that are associated with legally ending a marriage can often make an already unpleasant situation all the more frustrating as well.

If you’re currently planning a divorce, it may help you greatly to be aware of average costs in advance.

Average Divorce Cost

Divorce doesn’t come cheap in the modern age. If you’re planning on saying farewell to your union, get ready to fork over anywhere between $5,000 and $50,000 total.

Note that your specific state may influence the total cost of your divorce as well. Divorce tends to be more or less expensive depending on your locale.

New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and California divorces all tend to have particularly steep price tags when all is said and done.

However, a divorce in Wyoming tends to be a lot less pricey.

Legal Help

There are many factors that are behind divorce expenses. Talking to a family law attorney can be extremely helpful. People often have to cover expenses for family lawyers.

They often have to cover mediator fees as well. Knowledge of this can help you budget all of your costs in a thorough manner.

Taxes and Divorce


Your tax situation doesn’t remain the same after divorce. This is another cost to keep in mind. Filing your taxes as a single individual may make them a lot higher.

You should plan carefully for this as well. The last thing you want is to experience the shock of a lifetime once April comes around.

Child Support

Child support is yet another major cost that’s frequently associated with the divorce process. If you have a child or multiple children with your ex, you may be responsible for covering child support on a monthly basis.

Parents who do not possess sole custody in many cases are required to handle child support. Note, though, that the situation sometimes differs in the event of joint custody.

If you have joint custody, child support payments may not be required of you. Don’t forget about the possibility of alimony, either.

This may be another component to contemplate with a lot of care.

Going through a divorce can take a toll on you emotionally. It can also affect your bank account. That’s why you should research the process in significant detail before starting anything.

The more you know about divorce-related expenses, the simpler it will be for you to take charge of the situation.


Category: Family Finances

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