Goals, Updates, and Alternatives—How to Make Sure 2019 is Budget-Friendly

| January 12, 2019

budgetingMany of us are evaluating our lives and thinking about what we’d like to do differently in 2019. If you found yourself pinching pennies and struggling to make ends meet this last year, it’s a good idea to look ahead and make a financial plan that can help you find greater security in the new year. 

Diversify Your Budget with Long and Short-term Goals

Many people mistakenly think that budgeting should only revolve around their set monthly expenses and paycheck.

In reality, our money isn’t just about paying bills now. We have to think ahead and plan how we want to invest in our futures.

If you don’t make a lot of money, then short-term goals like rent, car payments and groceries can be calculated every month and help you stay on track.

With long-term goals, you can start putting money away now that will help you cover more costs in the future. 

Find Cost-Effective Alternatives to Your Major Living Expenses

Think about where you could make some adjustments and save a few bucks in the process. If the weather is nice and you live close enough, why not bike to work instead of taking the car?

Learn how to cook and how to plan meals so you eat out less. Limit your shopping to only one “treat” per month, and find ways to repurpose household recyclables

Update Your Home Systems to Save More Over Time

Cut back on costly electric and energy bills by updating your home systems and appliances. These renovations can be expensive, but they will pay you back tenfold over time by taking hundreds of dollars off your annual bills. 

Save on your utility bill by installing energy-efficient washers and dryers, fridges and HVAC systems.

Getting ahold of people like those at Arizona Refrigeration Service Inc can help getting you setup.

Keep an eye out for door-buster sales and seasonal deals throughout the year that can save you thousands on expensive upgrades and make your home update a steal. 

Remember to Be Realistic

Budgeting is a skill that takes practice and self-discipline to achieve. You may slip up a few times, and that’s okay.

The new year is an opportunity to learn, discover and grow as you prioritize your well-being across all aspects of life including your finances. 

Remember to look for resources and study up on the best ways to save. Test out new options, apps and tools to discover the budgeting method that works best for you.


Category: Family Finances

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