A Detailed How to on the Importance of Auto Insurance in Mexico

| February 9, 2013

Car FinanceMexico has always been a great tourist spot over the years. The natural beauty that you will find in this part of the world is worth appreciation. In most cases it is found that tourists prefer to drive across this country to make the experience more soothing. But there is something that you cannot afford to forget. You must remember that an auto insurance policy is a must when driving in Mexico. The driving condition in this part of the world is not the best. In fact you might find the driving culture weird. People often break laws and if you are unfortunate you might find yourself tangled in the legal procedures. So what can you do? Well, the safest thing to do is to get a good auto insurance policy. That will certainly save you from being hassled by the legal tangles.

What you must remember

Usually a U.S or Canadian auto insurance is not recognized by the authorities in Mexico. So if you are under the impression that the auto insurance policy that you have, is enough to provide coverage over here then you should get your facts right.

You might also find the laws of Mexico strange. If you are involved in an accident, then the police will first take you in custody and then start a trial. Even if you have done nothing wrong, you will be treated as a guilty unless your innocence is proven. So the entire thing is a bit complex. Therefore make sure that you have a good insurance policy that would cover you and help you to stay safe from all such hassles. Before you get an insurance plan make sure that it provides a legal and bond expense. In case you get involved in any such issues, you will be able to get yourself bailed out. You can get more information here regarding this.

There are certain documents that you must carry while on a trip in Mexico. Here’s presenting the list that you should carry with yourself.

  1. The temporary vehicle import permit
  2. The driving license
  3. Your tourist card
  4. The receipt of the insurance premium payment
  5. Your driving license
  6. Ownership proof of vehicle
  7. The ID of Mexican insurance
  8. The citizenship proof

Make sure that you keep all these things handy so that you can prove the legitimacy of your documents shall the need be. So get a good research done, in order to get the best of policies.

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Category: Car Insurance

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