7 Ways to Save Money on Utilities

| June 5, 2018

UtilitiesWhen it comes to saving money on utilities, you can take plenty of steps to save the cost. You need to be cautious while utilizing energy to reduce its waste and associated costs.  

Here are the seven simple yet effective ways to save on your utilities.

  1. Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

The bulbs that are energy efficient help in saving a lot of energy and utility bills. Replace your standard bulbs with the incandescent light Compact fluorescent light bulbs.

They can provide the right output plus use less energy lasting 6-10 times longer than standard bulbs. According to energystar.gov, traditional light bulbs have the life of 750 to 1000 hours whereas CFLs have the life of 6000 to 15000 hours.

Thus switch the light bulbs and stay worried free of excessive utility bills.

  1. Go Solar

Most of the people are switching to solar due to its numerous benefits. The installation is higher but it will recover its high price in saving the utility bills every month. It will not only help to save you money but also be protecting the environment.

  1. Use the Devices Smartly

Using your washing machine wisely can help to save a lot of energy. Try to use cold water in the wash instead of hot.

Wash the full load machine rather than two small loads. In case, you wash a smaller load then adjust the water level. You should soak the clothes with stains in a bucket before washing.

Removing the stains will help you to stop the washing of clothes again. Keep the washing machine clean and in proper working condition.

The fridge is the most important device to use at home so, make sure that you use it efficiently. Cool down the food items before you place them in the fridge.

Keep it full as the fridge that is hardly full cost you more energy to run. Set the proper temperature according to climate changes. Keep it clean for the best results.

Computer or laptop consumes a lot of energy if not kept to sleep during idle time. Adjust the brightness of the laptop screen by turning it down as this will save the energy consumption.

A dishwasher uses most of the energy to heat the water so be clever while using it. Only run it full load as this will save both water and energy.

For any problems with your electronic devices, you can contact Electrician Brisbane Southside and repair them so that they can help in saving the energy.

  1. Smart Thermostat

Heating or cooling according to the weather change is the most effective illustration of this concept. When it is hot, you can turn down the air conditioning to make the temperature down but it keeps on running until you switch if off.

Thus it is crucial to switch to the programmable thermostat which can help in saving the energy with the scheduling power facility.

It will help to cut the extra money in the bill caused due to running even when you’re not at home.

With the programmable thermostat, you can choose the particular times of the day to run it.  You can, in fact, forget about the air conditioning and heater and let it do what is needed and when it is needed.

According to energy.gov, you can save up to 1% per 8 hour period of each degree you switch off the thermostat.  Thus you save not only a lot of energy but also your bill will stay steady all year.

  1.  Unplug Your Electronic Devices

There are certain electronics that stay plugged in without use for the plenty of time such as game console or extra TV. When the electronic devices aren’t in use, they still use the small amount of energy.

Take a look at the items that can remain unplugged when not in use and keep them out of the outlet.  

  1.  Use Reusable HVAC Filters

It looks good earlier using the cheap filters that last for one time. But it will cost you both money and energy. Although, permanent filters are costlier than its single-use equivalent but they can be used in the long run.

You can clean them easily and do the regular maintenance so that HVAC system doesn’t get strained. This will decrease the chances of paying more lately down the road.

  1.  Seal Your Home

It is recommended not to open the door all winter as it will cause massive heating bills. You should also know that the cracks in your walls and windows can affect you with the intensity as it affects the door opened. So it is necessary to seal the windows and cracks with the foam or caulking it.

Hopefully, these seven practical ways can help you save a lot of energy and money. Follow them as they will make you live comfortable lives in your home along with saving the expenses on utilities.


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