7 Health Benefits in Drinking Pure Distilled Water

| January 23, 2019

Many of us have never thought twice about the quality of water that comes through our taps. After all, the water looks clean, smells just fine and we trust that it has been tested and treated, but is it really as safe as we think it is?

While tap water is relatively safe to drink, it is also not completely free of contaminants. It is therefore important that we pay attention to the water that we drink, just as we would the food that we put in our stomachs.

Below is some information about distilled water, and why it just might be the better option for drinking water.

What is Distilled Water?

Before we look at why it is good for you, let’s first explain what distilled water really is.

Distilled water is water that is purified through a process called Distillation. The distillation process involves boiling water until it becomes steam, then cooling the steam until it becomes water again.

By boiling the water, bacteria and other microorganisms are killed, while other particles, including heavy metals, remain behind when the water turns into steam.

The resulting water is, therefore, purer, and much safer to drink since all these contaminants are removed in the process.

A well-designed distiller, like water filters fill2pure online, has been shown to remove as much as 99.9% of the contaminants found in tap water.

What are the Health Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water?

Now that we know what distilled water is, let’s get into some of the reasons why it might benefit your health to drink distilled water.

  1. Avoid Harmful Microorganisms

According to several studies, distillation has been shown to be the only purification process that effectively destroys harmful microorganisms.

The Center for Disease Control describes distillation as a purification process with “very high effectiveness” at removing parasites, protozoa, and bacteria.

Parasites such as Cryptosporidium are known to be resistant to common water disinfectants like chlorine, but distillation removes them from the water.

This makes distilled water more ideal for drinking and prevention of diseases caused by these microorganisms.

Those with a weakened immune system are especially encouraged to drink distilled water as it exposes them to less disease-causing agents.

  1. Avoid Contaminants

The distillation process will rid tap water of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and arsenic, all of which can end up having harmful effects on your health.

Some may argue that tap water contains trace amounts of these chemicals, but the truth is, our bodies can react to them, even in trace amounts.

Perhaps you find yourself having nagging headaches, or brain fog, this may be a result of some of these contaminants, and switching to distilled water might make all the difference.

  1. Eliminate Chemicals

Chlorine and Fluoride are usually added to municipal water as part of the treatment process. The addition of these chemicals to drinking water is a big cause for concern, as they have both been known to have adverse effects on the body.

For example, Fluoride has been shown to cause problems with neurological development, and also with bone and tooth health.

On the other hand, Chlorine is inarguably effective at killing bacteria; however, it is also known to combine with other compounds to create chemicals that are linked to cancer.

Distillation eliminates both Chlorine and Fluoride, making the water healthier for you. The CDC and Mayo Clinic both recommend Flouride free water for infants as this helps to avoid dental fluorosis.

  1. Improved Digestion

Inorganic materials and pollutants have a tendency to hinder your body’s ability to absorb nutrients efficiently.

The good news is that distillation gets rid of these materials, purifying your drinking water, and enabling your organs to function efficiently by absorbing the minerals and vitamins that are needed the most.

  1. Improved Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body, and also a gateway for many diseases. Keeping the skin healthy, allows it to work efficiently, prevents breakouts, which then prevents diseases from entering our bodies.

You could achieve healthier skin just by switching the water you’re drinking and bathing with, to distilled water.

  1. Detox Naturally

We’ve all heard of detox diets, and how it is important to flush our bodies of all the harmful chemicals that we knowingly, or unknowingly consume.

Detoxing is an effective way to bring our bodies back to optimum performance, but we don’t need a fancy diet in order to achieve results. Water is the ultimate detoxifier, and drinking clean, distilled water will help you hydrate your body and flush toxins out.

  1. Healthier Joints

Joint calcification is a very common health problem. Insoluble deposits enter tissues and joints from consuming water that is full of inorganic minerals.

Once deposited, these minerals harden, making it hard for the joints to move freely. When you drink distilled water, it goes through your system, absorbing inorganic minerals and flushing them out of your body, which helps to improve mobility of the joints over time.

For those that do not have this problem, drinking distilled water could be very helpful at preventing joint calcification from developing in the future.

Distilled water is very beneficial to us, however you will find some people who have a few misconceptions about it.

The most common misconception being that distilled water is lacking in minerals, and can therefore lead to mineral deficiency.

This is a very valid concern since all the compounds are removed from the water during distillation, including beneficial ones like Calcium and Magnesium.

What’s important to note is that water is neither a good nor recommended source for these minerals. All the nutrients that the body requires are found in a healthy, nutrient rich diet, meaning that drinking distilled water is not what will lead to mineral deficiencies, but rather, a poor diet will.


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