5 Ways to Recover Financially from a Motorcycle Accident

| November 5, 2019

motorcycleThere is nothing in the world quite like hitting the open road on the back of a motorcycle, but riders need to recognize that this activity has some inherent risks.

A life-altering collision can happen in the blink of an eye, and your finances might be at risk after one of those accidents if you don’t take steps to protect yourself.

Write Down Everything

Even if you have an excellent memory, you could still forget some important details if you don’t write down exactly what happened as quickly as possible.

When it comes time to file a claim, those details could have a huge impact on the compensation that you receive.

In addition to writing down what took place, you should also snap a few pictures of the scene.

Keep a Recovery Diary

Once you begin your recovery, you should try to keep a diary as well.

If the claim escalates into a legal battle, then your diary could become an important piece of evidence.

That diary needs to include information such as how you are feeling each day, your pain levels, and what treatments you are receiving.

Immediately File a Claim

As soon as you are able to do so, you should file a claim with your insurance provider.

Some insurance companies require you to file a claim within just a few days of an accident, and you might not be compensated at all if you don’t contact the company within that time frame.

Contact an Attorney

It is an unfortunate fact that many collisions result in lengthy legal battles, and you are going to need a team of motorcycle lawyers by your side if you want to be fairly compensated.

Your legal team will help you build a solid case from the ground up, and they can take care of all of the paperwork so that you can focus on your recovery.

Stay off Social Media

Posting about your accident on social media could have a huge impact on your case, and that is why many legal experts suggest that you never post anything about a collision.

Even a seemingly minor detail might end up hurting your case if it is posted in a public or semi-public social media platform.

In addition to protecting your finances, you must also make sure that you remain physically healthy.

Motorcycle accidents can result in a variety of major health complications, and you need to follow a comprehensive recovery program if you want to get back on your feet.


Category: Insurance

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