5 Easy Ways You Can Make Money as You Renovate or Clean out Your Home

| February 14, 2020

RenovationsIt is always beneficial to go through your home every now and again and clean it. Removing excess clutter and filth improves your mental and physical health and can make you proud of your home again. Renovations can be warranted too if you are trying to improve the value of your home or if you simply want to do them.

Here are ways you can make money while undertaking such a project.

Find Spare Change or Hidden Stashes of Cash

It’s not uncommon to loose change in a couch or lying hidden under papers and you can stumble across it again when you clean.

You may even get luckier and find stashes of forgotten cash in old wallets, hidden for safekeeping or in other locations.

It doesn’t hurt to keep cash for emergency situations in a known, safe place, however.

Rent Out a Room

If you have extra space or will after renovations, renting out that space can become a solid source of extra income.

You have two options: you can do this in a more traditional way to a tenant or sign up for a service like Airbnb to turn your extra space into an informal hotel room.

This is admittedly a large commitment so you should be sure you are ready before going through with it.

If you choose to rent to a tenant you become a landlord and assume all associated responsibilities.

Sell Unwanted Items

Online sites such as eBay, Amazon, and Craigslist are all good places to sell items you have decided you no longer want.

You can also hold a garage sale or sell to friends and family. Some resale stores buy used items as well.

There is all manner of places to sell electrical equipment, DVDs, clothes, jewelry and more.

You can even specialty places to market specific items.

Appraise Antiques and Collectibles

Before selling or deciding to sell certain items, it is often wise to get them appraised.

An item you might not have thought was worth much may turn out to be more valuable than you thought.

Coin collections, stamp collections, rare books, antique collectibles and old toys are all worth appraising.

Sell Gift Cards

Unused gift cards are common finds while cleaning and they can be used or sold for cash if you don’t want them.

Be sure to check the balance before selling, as some vendors will begin deducting from the balance after time has passed.

The card may also have been previously used and you want to be honest and accurate in how you represent it.

You can view your renovations as an opportunity to make some easy money. Doing so works as a great incentive.

It can help you keep your space clean and improve your financial situation too.

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Category: Home Renovation

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  1. The biggest thing for me here is selling the unwanted/unneeded stuff, I have a lot at home that I don’t use anymore, I should definitely look into it.
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