4 Ways To Improve Your Energy Bills

| August 24, 2022
Energy Bills

Energy Bills

Energy consumption seems to be on everyone’s radar these days with the noticeable effects of global warming and climate change. Do you wonder if your habits might be contributing to that?

If you have seen an increase in your energy bills, you may well be part of how our earth is changing.

You can be a big part of the solution to that just by implementing a few things at home that can save energy and add a few dollars back to your bank account. Let’s explore four ways to improve your energy bills.

Wash Clothing in Cold Water

If you walk down the store aisle where the detergent is, you might notice that many bottles and boxes of detergent now indicate that they are appropriate for cold water washing.

This is because there are certain enzymes that have been added to the detergent to help break down debris and tackle stains at any water temperature.

There is a reason your washing machine has a cold water cycle. Not only will this save energy, but it will also save your clothing because cold water is not as tough on delicate fabrics as hot water is.

Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

Are you still using incandescent light bulbs that burn out in a couple of months? Switching to LED bulbs can result in a good amount of savings each year.

Yes, LED bulbs cost a little more, but these lamps draw much less electricity and can offer up to 3,000 hours of illumination.

Replace Windows

If you live in an older home that has single-paned windows, you could do well to have an expert assess the windows and prepare an estimate for replacement.

Double and triple-glazed windows that fit tightly into the frames can save hundreds in heating and cooling costs.

You don’t have to replace them all at once. You can make a plan that meets your budgetary needs.

Unplug Electronics

Unplugging your electronics when not in use is a win on two levels. Not only will you save on electricity costs, but you will also benefit your physical health by cutting back on electromagnetic field emissions (EMFs).

Anything plugged in draws electricity whether the device is turned on or not. A good tip is to purchase a grounded power strip that has an on/off button.

Plug all your electronic devices into that and just switch it off at night.

These are just four things you can easily do to reduce your energy bills. There are so many other ways to save money and contribute to a better environment.

While you are at it, maintain and clean your HVAC equipment annually and ask your utility company for a free energy audit to point out all the ways you can improve your home to make it more energy efficient.

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