4 Quicker Ways to Reach Your Debt Payoff Goals

| December 20, 2019


Debt of any kind can be a major impedance to achieving your financial goals. Plus, the interest you pay to carry that debt is money wasted that you could use for other, more exciting purposes.

Therefore, it’s crucial that you set debt payoff goals and then do all you can to reach them.

Here are a few ways to help you achieve these goals more quickly and finally achieve financial independence.

Eliminate Waste

That morning latte or that afternoon fast food may not seem like big expenses at the time.

However, over time these expenses can add up quickly and use a lot of money that you could put toward paying down your debt.

Therefore, it’s important to go back through credit card statements or old receipts to see just how your money is being spent.

Then, when you realize areas where you could “trim the fat,” it’s important to set goals in these areas and then commit to achieving those goals.

Sell Unused Items

Ultimately, the best way to pay down debt more quickly is to make more money.

One way to make more money is to sell unused items around your home for cash.

Whether it’s an old baseball card collection or a piece of furniture, you likely have unused items that you could liquidate and put toward your debt.

Another commonly overlooked source of quick cash is a junk car.

If you have an unused vehicle sitting in your driveway, you may think to yourself, “I need someone to buy my junk car and give me cash on the spot.” There are ways to do that.

Get Another Job

While it’s important to maintain a work-life balance, even as you work to pay off debt, it may be worth it in the short-term to take on an extra job to provide extra capital to pay off that debt.

While two full-time jobs may not be feasible, a part-time job in addition to a full-time job can provide quite a bit of extra money and exposure to other job experiences.

If your full-time job pays your normal bills, you can put your entire paycheck from your part-time job toward servicing your debt.

Consolidate Your Debt

Though not a good option for everyone, consolidating your debt into one monthly payment can help reach your payoff goals more quickly in some situations.

Before you begin this process, however, it’s important to determine what your new monthly payment would be to ensure you can afford it.

Also, it’s important to find a debt management service that is trustworthy and will give you fair rates that help you more than hurt you.

This is one area where it definitely pays to shop around, so do your homework before you begin.

Financial freedom is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself.

Instead of worrying about how you’ll make your next debt payment, you can enjoy treating yourself in small ways as you celebrate being debt-free.

Though it can be a difficult process, it’s definitely a process that’s worth taking on as soon as you can.

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