4 Hidden Items Around Your Home to Sell for Extra Cash

| November 16, 2019

Sometimes we find ourselves coming up a little short on our monthly bills. Whether it be over-spending our budget or that expensive car fix that we haven’t prepared our budget to handle, there are solutions for digging us out of a hole.

Below are 4 different items you can locate around you home and sell for a few extra dollars as you await payday.

Cellular Devices

One of the most popular devices that have been collecting dust in our drawer of things is cell phones.

There are many different electronic refurbishment companies that would love to own this piece of useless hardware.

Once we undergo a phone upgrade, we often are left with the choice to recycle or keep our old phones.

While there are only a handful of models that are worth some serious cash, all models are accepted in some regards.

Trade these in for a few extra dollars and you won’t even know what you’re missing them after shipping them in the padded envelope that features paid delivery status.


Sometimes we receive a gift that we have no valid use for. Most of these gifts come with a gift receipt, which is often utilized to process a return on the gifted items.

Some items, like gift cards, have a little less leeway when it comes to returns.

Thankfully, this is another item found on the internet hotlist. There are websites that have been created to allow customers to sell gift cards, affording the trading user a less amount for a more popular destination or the exchange of cash for gift cards.

The nominal amount may not translate to the exact dollar amount shown on the card, but there are a few companies that will bring you as close to face value as possible.

This is another option that gets you your fast cash within a few business days of the transfer.

Some cards will allow for digital code transfer, adding funds to your account at an almost instant time ratio.


Clothing resale shops or thrift shops are always on the lookout for new, trendy items. If you purchased popular brands from major retailers in the past, you’re in luck.

Most of the bigger brands within the clothing industry hold some sort of resale value.

Taking these items and trading them for cash at a resale shop is a fitting solution to add a few extra dollars to your back pocket.

The Garage Sale Route

To find out if there is anything of value, markdowns and garage sales mark your greatest opportunity for a quick gain.

Price all of your items well below the market ask and stand the best chance to receive money for literally anything that is unused within the house.

Sometimes, attendance at a group garage sale or a trade show is the best way to get rid of things of value as buyers are awaiting in these locations.

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Category: Family Finances

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