3 Major Home Appliances You Can Replace to Save Money

| February 27, 2018

AppliancesIt is incredibly stressful to keep a household running on a tight budget. As a financially responsible adult, no doubt you’re looking for ways to cut down on your monthly expenses. Identifying your outdated appliances and replacing them with new, energy efficient appliances is a great way to reduce your monthly energy costs.

Washer and Dryer

Arguably, your washer and dryer can be the most used appliances in your home on a daily basis. Whether you need to wash the weekly load of dirty clothes, wash the household curtains, or clean some extra bedding for unexpected house guests, your washer and dryer work hard to provide you and your family with sanitary, clean clothes.

If you happen to be using a washer and dryer that are older models, you’re probably spending more money on energy costs than you should be spending.

Older washer and dryers aren’t built to modern energy efficiency standards and can use up to twice as much water per load as a modern energy efficient washer.

To save your family money in the long-term, consider purchasing a brand new washer and dryer set that’s energy efficient. Pay attention to the yellow ENERGY STAR tag to see what the new set could save you.

HVAC System


Whether you live in an area of the country where it’s always warm and sunny or you in an area of the country where you get hit with the harshest winter storms, an incredibly efficient HVAC system could save your household hundreds of dollars per year in energy costs.

Your current HVAC system, which consists of your furnace and your air conditioning unit, may be older than the current models on the market. And while they may still function properly and keep your family comfortable during extreme temperatures, investing in a modern HVAC system will add long-term benefits to your household with the savings you’ll reap in energy costs.

In addition to saving on energy costs, installing a new HVAC system, or having a local company like Air Around The Clock do it for you, can increase your home’s market value if you ever consider selling your home.


Your refrigerator is running 24 hours a day, 7 days week. It is a very large contributor to your monthly energy bills, but if you purchase a new energy-efficient refrigerator, you can worry less about the electricity that it uses. An older refrigerator can begin to lose its airtight seal around the door, allowing the cold air to escape.

This causes the inside of the refrigerator to warm up and makes the compressor turn on to produce more cooled air. It’s a continuous cycle that wastes energy. Replace that old refrigerator and start enjoying a lower electricity bill every month.

When looking at how to save on energy costs, in addition to replacing your older appliances, you should also consider switching over to energy-efficient LED bulbs.

Not only do LED bulbs last up to 25 times longer than an incandescent bulb but they also cost one-fourth less energy per year. Replacing all of your bulbs with LED bulbs can drastically reduce your energy bill throughout the year.

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