How To Save Money & Manage Your Expenditures

| December 13, 2012
saving and spending

saving and spending (Photo credit: 401(K) 2012)

Money is the key element for survival. Basically, the world runs and revolves because of it. You cannot do any decisions, act your plans and realize your goals without the use of money. It may not be the most important thing in the world, but without it, we will just remain stagnant for the rest of our lives.

Saving money, on the other hand, is one important factor in life. It makes us alleviate our personal finances and helps us on our needs especially on emergency situations. While some have no problem saving their money for future use, most are just not educated enough on handling it and even if they have highly paid jobs and quite a large income, they still end up drowned with debts.

For people who are eager to save money yet still don’t have any effective ideas on how to do it, these are the things you need to do.

1. Settle Your Debts First

You cannot really save the amount of money you want if you still have credits that needs to be paid. The first thing to do when saving is to pay all your debts first, may it be with lending agencies or to people you owe.

2. Make Goals and Set a Time Frame

When you want to achieve something, get it done one by one and focus on the most important thing. Having one goal to focus on lets you save more money. In addition, it will give you a higher chance of finding success.

3. Track Your Expenses All the Time and Make A Budget

As much as possible, create a master list of all the money you spend along with their reasons – e.g. buying food supplies or medicines or paying bills. With it, you will know where your money goes and would create an effective budget plan for the monthly income you have at your disposal.

4. Decide how much money to save

In the past, people spend their money first and the amount that left will be considered as the savings. A much better idea on saving money is to decide how much money to save first before going about with our spending.

If you still find these things hard to accomplish, then these strategies should serve you well. Saving money is initiated on small steps first, until you become use to it, then afterwards it becomes a habit.

1. Adjust Expenses

Sometimes after tracking expenses, we may see that there are many things not supposed to be a part of our monthly expenditures. After making an effective budget plan, remove the things that are not necessity like gadget splurges and vices and just assign most of the money towards your savings.

2. Avoid the Use Of Credit Cards

It’s very tempting to spend lots of money through credit card use. All you have to do is to swipe it and a second after; the item you really don’t have the money for is yours. For people who has a problem controlling themselves with shopping sprees, the best way is to use cash. When you know you have limited amount of money in your pocket, only purchase things you can truly afford.

3. Negotiate and Choose Second Hand Deals

Things need not be brand new to have quality. There are shops and stores that offers second hand deals. Practically, instead of spending lots of money buying brand new things, you can negotiate second hand dealers for you to save more. Saving money always comes with practicality.

Managing expenses especially for your personal finance need not to be tough and hard. Having achievable goals and being practical is all there is to it. Self-discipline is another key element that is the toughest to learn or develop.

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Category: Budget, Personal Finance

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