5 Disasters that Can Wreck Any Business, and How to Protect Against Them

| November 22, 2013

business disaster

Businesses face many hurdles just dealing with routine problems, such as attracting capital and making the public aware of new services. These basic complications are made even worse since many unexpected problems can arise for any sort of business. While many businesses have the resources to be able to deal with some issues, it is always better to try and prevent a disaster before it happens, which can help you to avoid disaster. Here is a quick look at 5 disasters that can happen to almost any business, and how to prevent them from wrecking your company.

Unexpectedly short of financing

When you are starting a business, it is a fact that you are going to need money in order to get things running. You will need an office/store, employees, materials, and a variety of other things. One of the greatest disasters in business is sinking money into an investment and then discovering much too late that funding will be too short. One solution is to plan ahead and make arrangements for situations when you simply will not have enough money. To do this, make additional plans for the growth of your business and search out potential sources of money that you will be able to access in an emergency.

Loss of a key team member

For a small company especially, losing a specialist such as a manager or a software designer can cripple the business. Not only will you suffer a loss of productivity, but you will need to invest a great deal of time and money into finding a new person and giving them the appropriate training. In order to avoid this problem, try to secure employees with contracts and make sure that they are happy at work. This might require a bit more money and time at the onset, but it will protect your business from financial ruin in the future.

Botching a big contract

Any assignment that receives a great deal of public attention or attention within an industry is a showpiece for a start-up business. While an established business has a record that buffers against failure, new companies can destroy their own reputation overnight. This is why it is important to only take on orders and contracts that you know you will be able to fulfill, then putting all of your effort into making your customers happy. You should also make sure that you are managing your reputation through the use of social media and by establishing strong relationships with all of your customers.

An insect invasion where it matters

Office space can lose productivity if secretaries see cockroaches crawling around, but this will not ruin a business. What can ruin a business is a kitchen or a customer waiting area that is crawling with pests. The fact is that bugs can next anywhere, and even the smallest of insect invasions can kill the reputation that you have worked so hard to establish with your customers. In order to prevent this problem from destroying your business, contact a pest control center at a location such as http://www.longbeachpestcontrol.net/, which will give you the protection that you need to keep your business safe from this small problem.

Having physical assets destroyed by natural disasters

Around the world, every single area is at risk for some sort of natural disaster. No matter whether it is a hurricane or a blizzard, it is important that you take all of the necessary steps to properly protect your business before there is even the smallest risk of a natural disaster. First, make sure that your business has insurance that will be able to protect you from these disasters. You will also want to have your businesses structure and utilities inspected at least once a year, which will protect the key parts of your business’ building from becoming damaged.


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